Living the Faith DVD Set

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An introduction to the great doctrines of Scripture with emphasis on the doctrine of the living God, of man, of salvation and of the church. This course includes a study of Church of God doctrine.


  • 28 lectures on 10 DVDs


  1. The Verbal Inspiration of the Bible
  2. The Process of Scripturization
  3. The Process of Canonization
  4. Biblical Warrants for the Doctrine of the Trinity
  5. Biblical Foundation for the Doctrine of the Trinity
  6. Conversations on the Doctrine of the Trinity
  7. Incarnational Theology
  8. Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus
  9. Ascension and Intercessor
  10. Spiritual Condition, Repentance, and New Birth
  11. Justification, Regeneration, and New Birth
  12. Wrought by Faith in the Blood of Christ
  13. Faith, Word, and Spirit
  14. Sanctification and Subsequence
  15. Historical Heritage of Holiness
  16. Holiness: Our Dedication to God and God's Call and Claim on Our Lives
  17. Place of Human Work and Works as a Cooperation With the Spirit
  18. Baptism of the Holy Ghost With a Subsequent Clean Heart
  19. The Historical Context of the Initial Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  20. The Distinction Between Speaking in Tongues for Personal Edification and the Gift of Tongues for Corporate Edification
  21. Praying in the Spirit
  22. Water Baptism
  23. The Historical Context of Divine Healing in the Atonement
  24. "Divine" Healing
  25. The Lord's Supper and Washing of the Saints' Feet
  26. Eschatological Vision: The Premillenial Second Coming of Christ
  27. Bodily Resurrection
  28. Summary and Exhortation