An introduction to the great doctrines of Scripture with emphasis on the doctrine of the living God, of man, of salvation and of the church. This course includes a study of Church of God doctrine.
- The Verbal Inspiration of the Bible
- The Process of Scripturization
- The Process of Canonization
- Biblical Warrants for the Doctrine of the Trinity
- Biblical Foundation for the Doctrine of the Trinity
- Conversations on the Doctrine of the Trinity
- Incarnational Theology
- Crucifixion, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus
- Ascension and Intercessor
- Spiritual Condition, Repentance, and New Birth
- Justification, Regeneration, and New Birth
- Wrought by Faith in the Blood of Christ
- Faith, Word, and Spirit
- Sanctification and Subsequence
- Historical Heritage of Holiness
- Holiness: Our Dedication to God and God's Call and Claim on Our Lives
- Place of Human Work and Works as a Cooperation With the Spirit
- Baptism of the Holy Ghost With a Subsequent Clean Heart
- The Historical Context of the Initial Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit
- The Distinction Between Speaking in Tongues for Personal Edification and the Gift of Tongues for Corporate Edification
- Praying in the Spirit
- Water Baptism
- The Historical Context of Divine Healing in the Atonement
- "Divine" Healing
- The Lord's Supper and Washing of the Saints' Feet
- Eschatological Vision: The Premillenial Second Coming of Christ
- Bodily Resurrection
- Summary and Exhortation